Mis-information, but alright
NOTE: You cannot call me a fanboy because a own a mac/prefer a mac/and simply don't like PCs.
I'm going to buy an Xbox 360 and I think it looks very fun (I've played it a lot, too, and I love it! I have fun with my regular Xbox too. It's too bad you didn't make Sony the target of your cartoon though, here's why —
Xbox 360: Top price $399
Playstation 3: Top price $599
360 games: 59.99
PS3 games: 69.99
Sony is also trying to take over everything, too. They make TVs with mega advertising, they've taken over the video game industry. They're taking over the handheld gaming idustry (I actually bought a PSP myself. . .). DVD players even. EVERTHING!!!
The flash was alright considering art and animation; even though it had talk bubbles instead of voice acting.